Needs...October, November, December
October brings more than the change of weather, it brings homeless families that do not have the right clothing to weather the weather. It also brings larger winter bills for us because the clients that slept in their cars or abandoned homes will not be able to keep warm enough, thus will make their way to Jars of Clay for services.
October November December NEEDS INCLUDE:
Winter clothing
Hats and scarves
socks and underwear
FOOD for our food pantry
FOOD for our kitchen
Coffee and breads for morning breakfast (everyday)
Hygiene products
Utility Assistance (water bill, light bill, administration supplies)

School Support for Homeless Children
Every month a child is homeless. Jars of Clay offers our clients assistance to get their children back into school by supporting need. This includes; clothing, bookbags, school supplies, homeless liaison connections and more. Thanks to our generous supporters for keeping this great work going. For pictures of our efforts visit our facebook page or click here
Jars of Clay is proud to announce the launcing of our Imagine Me Academy, a child care program exclusively for homeless children ages 2 through 4 years of age.
The educational gap between children in poverty and children in average income households is 50% and begins to multiply by kinderganden into a proven statistic of educational lack.
Please support our "littles" as we bridge this gap with homeless children. Consider supporting our books, uniforms, supplies, program and future leaders of Atlanta....that look homeless today, but tomorrow will become our future.